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Sunday, April 3, 2011

179. Saesee Tiin

Saesee Tiin was a male Iktotchi Jedi Master and a member of the Jedi High Council in the last days of the Galactic Republic. Having apprenticed under the esteemed Master Omo Bouri, Tiin rarely spoke and kept to himself. Never choosing to take a Padawan himself, Tiin took the rank of High Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.
A renowned starfighter ace, Tiin had been born on Iktotch, the moon of Iktotchon. Because of the battering winds of the moon, Tiin's species had adapted toughened skin and blunt features. A natural telepath, Master Tiin failed to foresee his demise at the hands of the secret Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious.

Born on the moon of Iktotch, Saesee Tiin was introduced to piloting during his youngest years, appearing to be a natural pilot. When scouts from the Jedi Order identified the young boy as a Force-sensitive, he was turned over to the Order for training at the academy on Coruscant. Raised within the Jedi Temple, Tiin found it embarrassing when his natural telepathic abilities were ridiculed by his peers. While they believed these powers gave him an unfair advantage at the academy, Tiin believed it was more of a hindrance as he had yet to learn to control his abilities. Tiin would admit however, that his abilities gave him an edge during lightsaber combat training as his opponents unwittingly revealed their strategy through their thoughts. Because of his unique abilities, Tiin was shunned by his peers and became extremely reclusive. As Tiin learned to hone in on particular minds, he came to the attention of the Wol Cabasshite Jedi Councilor, Master Omo Bouri.

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