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Thursday, April 7, 2011

188. "Fiery" Figrin D'an

"Fiery" Figrin D'an (alias Barbarine) was the Bith leader of the band the Modal Nodes. His older brother was Barquin D'an. Specializing in Jizz music, Figrin played a reed instrument known as a Kloo horn, as well as a percussion instrument called a Gasan string drum. Like his band mates, Figrin was registered with the Intergalactic Federation of Musicians (IFM). Regions of Figrin's highly evolved brain allowed him a special acuity when it came to analyzing and relating to music - in fact, the Devaronian music fan Labria called him possibly the greatest klooist in the galaxy. As such, his talents helped to greatly enhance the quality and popularity of the Modal Nodes' music.

Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes had entered into an exclusive contract with the Tatooine crimelord, Jabba Desilijic Tiure. They would routinely perform in the courts at Jabba's Palace and his Mos Eisley townhouse, but it didn't take long before they all regretted entering into a contract with the Hutt. Recognizing Jabba's penchant for executing underlings that displease him at a moment's notice, the Modal Nodes began to fear for their lives. It would only be a matter of time before Jabba decided to make a snack of the musicians, by tossing one down into the dungeon abode of his pet rancor. Fortunately for them, a golden opportunity was fresh at hand.

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