I Love Amazon

Friday, May 13, 2011

1491. Mauro

Mauro is the head of a tribe of mischievous common marmosets who steal from tourists and are experts in Capoeira. He and his gang are forced to work for Nigel and obey the least of his orders.

After a busy day stealing from tourist, Mauro and his minions are approached by Nigel, who coerces them (By dropping Mauro from a great height) into finding Blu and Jewel. Mauro's forces find the birds, and engage in battle with them and their bird friends, losing both the fight and their quarry. A dazed Mauro is later manhandled by Nigel for failing. After Nigel is reduced to a featherless mess, Mauro gains some measure of revenge by taking a picture of the humiliated cockatoo.

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