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Saturday, May 14, 2011

1501. Jewel

"The gem of the forest, but don't let those long batting eyelashes and silky blue feathers fool you. She's one sassy chick and the opposite of Blu. She loves to fly and cherishes her freedom, and would never look into a cage let alone step into one. When she find herself stuck with a domesticated "pet", she learns that being grounded may not be so bad after all."

Jewel is initially fiercely independent, with a love of flying free, she is selfish, she has a funky attitude, and does not care about anything but escaping and flying. She is very mistrustful of humans (badly scratching one of Tulio's assistants) and doesn't think much of the "pet" bird Blu. After their duet at the samba club however, she warms up to Blu considerably. When he jumps out of the poacher's plane after her, she is touched to the point of kissing him passionately. With encouragement from Blu, she seems to overcome her distrust of humans, allowing Tulio to tend to her injury.

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