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Friday, April 8, 2011

191. Super Battle Droid

The B2 super battle droid (SBD) was an upgraded version of the B1 battle droid, with superior armament and armor. They were manufactured after the battle of Naboo proved need for stronger droids. B2s were used by the Trade Federation, the Techno Union, and later, on a much larger scale, the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Some units were later reactivated on Mustafar by Gizor Dellso and other members of the Separatist holdouts, and the Galactic Alliance also used some B2 units during the Yuuzhan Vong War.

One of the main design flaws of the standard B1 battle droid was its reliance on a Droid Control Ship to provide a signal; if the ships were disabled, the battle droids would become useless. To remedy this, the super battle droid did not rely on such a signal and had a greater capacity for independence. However, the droid still operated best with a command signal, otherwise they tended to forget about enemies as soon as they moved out of visual range. Also, the sturdy frame of the super battle droid was larger and more heavily armored than those of a B1.

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