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Friday, April 8, 2011

193. Lama Su

Lama Su was a male Kaminoan who served as Prime Minister of Kamino at the beginning of the Clone Wars. He lived in the planet's capital, Tipoca City.
As head of the ruling council of Kamino colony governors, Lama Su was one of the select Kaminoans to deal directly with offworlders. Despite this, he was still rather ignorant of Human customs and behavior.
Shortly after the Invasion of Naboo, Lama Su accepted a commission by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas to create a clone army for the Galactic Republic—his limited knowledge of the wider galaxy giving him no clue as to the massive impact this would have on the Republic. Rather, he recognized how vital cloning was to Kamino's economy, and, ten years after the project began, took it upon himself to personally give visiting Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi a tour of the facility. He eagerly explained the cloning process, as well as the behavioral conditioning and combat training of the clone troopers, who were now fully trained and ready for combat. He was so focused on making sure that the Kaminoans would obtain their bonus payment for the first shipment of trained clone warriors, that he dismissed Kenobi's seeming lack of knowledge of the army's existence as either a clever test or an elaborate form of politeness.

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