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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

1623. Esteban a.k.a.Spooky

Esteban Mendoza or Spooky is really into Horror movies. In fact, his ambition in life is to become a popular Hollywood producer famous for making Horror movies Spooky is one of the main protagonist of Los Mijos.

Los Mijos, mostly known as Mijos, are toy characters created by David Gonzales loosely based upon Chicano Mexican American characters, the mijos line include girls as well and other ethnicities of characters as well as Puerto Rican, African American, Caucasian. It's how he sees "through the eyes of hispanic children."

He came out with series of mijos toys, and books. Before you could get the toys out of vending machines. Gonzales even won awards for toys being in vending machines for Best Vending Machine Toy Award.[citation needed]

The Mijos live in Oakland, California in the same area of town as the Homies. Some of Gonzales' characters are named after his real life children Andres, Monica, and Anthony.

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