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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

1702. Perry White

Perry "The Bulldog" White is a reporter for the Daily Planet.
When he first met Clark Kent, Perry was a reporter for a tabloid television program called X-Styles. He was born in Metropolis's Suicide Slums area and grew up without a father. He became a reporter for the Daily Planet and then for the Metropolis Inquisitor. His life as a respected reporter was ruined when he was working on a story about Lionel Luthor. When his career was ruined, he began to drink excessively.
After witnessing and becoming inspired by Clark's selflessness, Perry vowed to turn over a new leaf, sober up and get his career back on track. A year later, it is revealed he is once again writing articles for the Daily Planet. He returned to Smallville with Martha in 2009 and quickly befriended and teamed up with Lois Lane.
Eventually, Perry finds his rightful place as the Editor and Chief of the Daily Planet. With an impressive staff and a solid key reporting team: Lois Lane, Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen.

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