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Sunday, June 5, 2011

1874. The Flea

The Flea (preferred to be called The Flea of Flea) - The Flea is the 8-year-old filthy boy, a main antagonist, and a villain. He avoids personal hygiene and usually has no problem with breaking the rules unlike his enemies, Rikochet and Buena Girl. His bedroom is "literally" a pig sty. He also almost always refers to himself in the third person (he has occasionally said "I", "me", "mine", or "my" due to writer mistakes). The Flea's signature move is the "Trashcan of Terror" in which he turns into a trashcan. Most of his moves involve farting or making everything messy. It was revealed in three episodes that The Flea's costume is actually white, but it turned brown because he never cleaned it (and in some cases, preferred it unclean). When he has bathes, which is very rare (once every three months) and he has extreme fear of, his costume turns white if he uses soap. There was one episode where the Flea swallowed an apple and turned into his own opposite. His little sister Pulgita was able to beat him up, although this is only because she is able to beat anyone who comes across her. She still has a close bond with The Flea. He is normally the cause or victim of some of the strangest and supernatural events in the series such as an evil masked toilet and his unwashed hands causing an invasion of evil dough nuts. The Flea seems to be the strongest of the three if someone pays attention to his wrestling style. He is often mistaken for a very weak student, but if The Flea is actually brave enough, he is strong enough to beat even both Rikochet and Buena Girl. His teeth are a complete mystery. as they seemed to be very disgusting when they were first seen, but at the end of the episode, they were as clean as Rikochet's teeth. Sometimes when the Flea is in trouble or is being knocked a far distance he normally yells "zapatos de rata" which literally means "shoes of rat" or "rat shoes". He is voiced by Jessica DiCicco in speaking vocals and Linda Ronstadt on singing vocals.

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