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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

2126. Louis Tully

Louis is a shy nerd, hopelessly in love with Dana.

Rick Moranis played Louis Tully in the Ghostbusters movies . The role of Louis Tully was originally offered to funny man John Candy in an attempt to reunite him with Bill Murray and Harold Ramis.

In the first film, Louis is Dana Barrett's somewhat annoying neighbor. He was seen to frequently lock himself out of his own apartment, and would often hurry into the hallway if he though he heard Dana coming. Louis ended up being possessed by Vinz Clortho the keymaster. When combined with Dana, who was possessed by Zuul the gatekeeper, they released Gozer into this dimension. At the end of the film, the Ghostbusters defeated Gozer, freeing Louis from Vinz Clortho.

In the second film, we see Louis defending Ray, Egon, and Peter after they are arrested for drilling a hole in the middle of the street. When the Scoleri Brothers are released and begin destroying the courtroom, Louis convinces the judge to drop all charges in order to get the Ghostbusters to take care of the problem. When the Ghostbusters reopen for business, Louis is seen to be working as their accountant. He also develops a relationship with Janine Melnitz. At the end of the movie, Louis can be seen donning a suit and pack in an attempt to help the rest of the Ghostbusters.

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