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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

2581. Bigweld

Bigweld,voiced by Mel Brooks,is the head of Bigweld Industries. He also owns a television show called "The Bigweld Show", and Rodney follows this show in his childhood. He also enjoys setting up and knocking down dominoes. Bigweld has two main catchphrases heard in the movie:
"You can shine no matter what you're made of!"
"See a need, fill a need."
Bigweld is taken by Ratchet's henchmen that beat him in head with a telephone and Rodney saves him and flees. However, Bigweld suffers amnesia and sings songs such as "Daisy" during their escape from Ratchet, but Rodney soon gets rid of it. He has no legs, but resembles an enormous titanium sphere on which are added arms, a tuxedo-like cover, and a head.

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