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Monday, July 4, 2011

2490. Kid Devil

Eddie Bloomberg was the assistant of his aunt Marla. Her aunt had her own film company where she made tons of different kinds of films. It was there that Eddie would meet the actor known as Daniel Cassidy, a young actor that had a lot of future in the movies business.
Some time later Eddie's aunt would decided to produce a new movie named "The Blue Devil". Daniel Cassidy was chosen to make the role of the hero known as Blue Devil. Everything was well until the moment that a lightning fell into the studio, merging the monstrous costume of Daniel Cassidy with his skin thanks to the power of the demon known as Nebiros. That day Daniel Cassidy died and Blue Devil was born from the ashes.
Thanks to this accident that made Daniel Cassidy become Blue Devil, Eddie desired to become Blue Devil's sidekick.
One night Eddie Bloomberg decided to sneak into Daniel Cassidy's workshop . When he was there he created for himself an armor that would be his superhero's costume. The suit granted Eddie Bloomberg powers similar to the ones of Blue Devil. That was the night that Eddie Bloomberg would become the hero known as Kid Devil, sidekick of Blue Devil.

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