I Love Amazon

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

3370. Blue Blumaroo

The Blumaroo is a kangaroo-like Neopet, released on May 25, 2000. Blumaroos are well known for their long spring-like tails, which they bounce on from place to place. On any normal sunny day, Blumaroos would most likely be seen bouncing around and singing, humming or whistling a tune. Blumaroos are very easy going and enjoy games.
Blumaroos are originally from a small island named Roo Island, which is just off the coast of Neopia Central. The Island is ruled by the naively benevolent King Roo and his possibly malevolent councillor, Advisor Broo. However, Blumaroos can now be seen all over Neopia.
The Maraquan Blumaroo is modelled on a seahorse. In the Neopets Trading Card Game, Blumaroos are associated with the element of Air.

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