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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

3373. Pear Bureau Northwest USA

The Pear Bureau Northwest is a non-profit marketing organization established in 1931 to promote the fresh USA Pears grown in Washington and Oregon. The Bureau represents 1,600 growers and develops national and international markets for Northwest pear distribution. For more information, visit www.usapears.com.

The Pear Bureau Northwest is a non-profit marketing organization that develops national and international markets for fresh USA Pears grown in Washington and Oregon.

Hailed as a “gift of the gods” by the Greek poet Homer in "The Odyssey," the venerable pear has graced diverse civilizations for more than four thousand years.
Today, the United States is the second largest pear producing country in the world, and more than 55 countries look to the U.S. for sweet and juicy fresh pears. The orchards of Oregon and Washington in particular allow heirloom varieties of pears to flourish to perfection in their pastoral terrain, with 84% of the country's fresh pears being grown in these two Pacific Northwest states.
Ten principal varieties of pears are grown in Oregon and Washington, each with its own color, flavor and texture. These pears are each picked by hand, and they are renowned as being some of the world’s finest. Across the U.S. and around the world, these delectable pears from Oregon and Washington are sold under the USA Pears brand and are highly regarded as a premium quality fruit.
A tale of two chefs – USA Pears in authentic Indian cuisine
Chefs across the globe present USA Pears in both traditional and creative culinary applications. Complex and distinct in flavor, pears fit restaurant menus for every type of ethnic cuisine and in every course from drinks to desserts. Their harmony with contemporary Indian cuisine provides a perfect example of the pear’s culinary versatility.
India' s Master Chef Sanjeev Kapoor, restaurateur, cookbook author, and host of the award-winning Indian television cooking show Khana Khazana, incorporates pears into his expansive repertoire of recipes. He says there's a reason that USA Pears are found in such great quantity in India. He enthuses, "when I eat them, I feel a relishing and sweet experience that's out of this world!" Chef Kapoor has spotlighted several recipes with USA Pears on his television program, including a Pear Lassi, Salmon with Pear Sauce, and Balti Pear Chicken.
Almost literally on the other side of the world, Chef David Anderson incorporates fresh USA Pears into his Indian menu. As chef de cuisine at Portland, Oregon’s premier Indian restaurant, Vindalho, Chef Anderson lives in the heart of pear country and enjoys integrating fresh pears into his recipes. "Pears may not be a traditional Indian ingredient, but they are a perfect fit for the authentic flavors and spices of Indian cuisine," he says. "They can be infused with a multitude of vibrant spices, like cardamom, turmeric and cayenne, yet they retain their own distinct flavor." Chef Anderson uses Bartlett or Comice pears in his signature Pear Ginger Chutney, which he serves with lamb kababs or Indian flatbreads.
Pears hold a place of honor
In the United States, the modest pear has earned its place in the national spotlight during the month of December, which the USDA has declared National Pear Month. Recognized for their positive impact on the U.S. economy, their nutritional importance to families, and their array of global culinary uses, USA Pears and the farmers who grow them are deserving of such an honor.
Oregon and Washington’s 1,600 pear growers carefully harvest each delicate pear by hand, and are clearly committed to providing the world with their premium quality pears. As stewards of the land, they tend their naturally prime landscape, where moisture from meandering rivers and glacial snowmelt feeds the region's nutrient-rich volcanic soil to make the perfect foundation for pear tree nourishment. With this ideal growing environment, it's no wonder their sublime USA Pears are prized across the U.S. and around the world.

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