I Love Amazon

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

3175. Yellow Ixi

The Ixi is a goat or deer-like Neopet, released on 11 July 2002. They are dainty creatures with small horns and usually wear collars. They originally come from Meridell, although are now common all over Neopia.
While Ixi are usually depicted with cloven hooves, several Ixi featured in plots were shown with hands instead - such as Nabile, Sophie, and Hanso.
They are curious pets who get up to many adventures. They are associated with woodland and forests. In the Neopets Trading Card Game, they are associated with the element of Earth.


* As of July 2009, Ixi ranks 16th in popularity with over 6.7 million created. They are also featured in 115 different items.

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