I Love Amazon

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

3913. CARE Meerkat

Copyright CARE

Vision: Color. The dark eye markings act like built-in sunglasses.

Feet: Non-retractable claws. Four toes.

Ears: Closeable.

Height: 12 inches (30 centimeters).

Weight: 2 pounds (0.9 kilograms).

Light-absorbency: Called the "Solar Panel Of The Animal World," meerkats use their dark-skinned, sparsely furred bellies to warm up.

Taxonomy: Members of the mongoose family.

Tail: 8 inches (20 centimeters) long and used as a tripod to balance the animal in an upright position.

Activity: Diurnal (active during the day).

Life span: 12 to 14 years.

Society: A group of meerkats, usually five to thirty members, is called a "mob" or a "gang."

Home range: Southern Africa/Kalahari Desert

Dwelling: Grass-lined burrows that are shared with ground squirrels and yellow mongooses.

Toilet: Common latrine used by all members.

Transience: Mob moves several times annually if food supply is depleted.

Competitiveness: Meerkats are very territorial and will fiercely defend their home from other meerkat gangs.

Guardianship: Meerkats are "snack size" for a number of animals, so one always stands guard while the others forage or nap.

Primary predators: Martial eagles and jackals.

911: Various alarm calls indicate different predators.

Specialization: Alpha male and female do most of the breeding.

Litter size: 2 to 5.

Gestation: Eleven weeks.

Breeding season: October-April in the wild. Year-round in captivity.

Helplessness: Born with eyes and ears closed. Sparsely furred.

Helpfulness: Various adults will baby-sit the youngsters while the mother feeds.

Precociousness: Sexually mature at one year.

Diet: Scorpions (meerkats are immune to their venom), beetles, spiders, centipedes, millipedes, worms, crickets (FAST food), small mammals, small reptiles, birds, eggs, tubers and roots.

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