I Love Amazon

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

3106. Red Moehog

Moehogs are one of many different species that exist in Neopia. As a general rule Moehogs are swift-footed and eager to help others. There are not that many Moehogs in Neopia so spotting one is quite a rare event.

A Moehog looks like a Disney warthog. They come in the standard, basic colors: red, yellow, green and blue. However, it can be changed to take on a Darigan or baby style. In fact, it can be changed to a bunch of different styles such as, Baby, Blue, Brown, Christmas, Cloud, Darigan, Disco, Electric, Faerie, Fire, Ghost, Green, Grey, Halloween,Magma, Maraquan, Mutant, Pink, Pirate, Plushie, Purple, Rainbow, Red, Robot, Royal, Shadow, Sketch, Skunk, Speckled, Sponge, Spotted, Strawberry, Tyrannian, White and Yellow.

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