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Monday, August 1, 2011

2684. Brainy Smurf

Brainy Smurf is one of the main characters of the Smurfs cartoon show, who has appeared on the show throughout its entire run. He is the village intellectual who's not afraid to share his "wisdom" with his fellow Smurfs, even though it usually results in his being booted to the village limits. . He is also a very prolific author of many books, usually with his name in the title, and he is Papa Smurf's apprentice and assistant in his laboratory. He is easily identifiable by his glasses, his books, and his New York Accent. A running gag through out the series is Brainy getting kicked out of Smurf Village.
Brainy is the most self-centered of the Smurfs (even more so than Vanity Smurf), and annoys almost everyone, even Papa Smurf. Brainy always shows off, claiming that he knows everything, even though the only things he knows about are about himself. He even claimed that he was his own favorite subject. Despite this, he is well-liked whenever he is not being a bossy know-it-all.
His house is full of stacks of books that were all written by himself. The books are either manuals, encyclopedias, or -- probably his favorites -- "Quotations by Brainy Smurf" books. Brainy always wants someone to read them, but everyone-even the nicest people- turns them down or pretends to like them.

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